The Cut and Restored Rope Trick.

In this trick, you will make it appear as though you cut a rope into two pieces and then magically restored it to its original form.

Materials Needed:

  1. A piece of rope, about 3 feet long.
  2. Scissors (for a prop).


  1. Start by displaying the rope to your audience. Hold it up and let them see that it’s a single, unbroken piece.
  2. Announce that you’re going to perform a magic trick with the rope. This trick involves cutting and restoring the rope with your magical powers.
  3. Hold the rope at both ends, keeping it taut, and show the audience that there are no hidden knots or breaks.
  4. Pretend to find a “weak spot” in the rope, about halfway down its length. This is where you’ll make your magical cut.
  5. With the scissors, pretend to cut the rope at the weak spot. Make a snipping motion, but do not actually cut the rope.
  6. While pretending to cut, secretly conceal a small portion of the rope in your hand. This concealed portion will give the illusion that you’ve cut the rope.
  7. Separate the two ends of the rope slightly, showing the audience the apparent cut. Act as if you’ve truly cut the rope in half.
  8. To “restore” the rope, bring the two ends back together. At this point, you can blow on the rope, make a magical gesture, or say a magical word to add to the illusion.
  9. Slowly release the concealed portion of the rope from your hand, allowing it to blend with the two ends. As you do this, the rope will appear to magically restore itself.
  10. Hold up the fully restored rope, showing your audience that it’s now back to its original, uncut form.
  11. Accept the applause of your amazed audience!

This trick is simple to perform and relies on misdirection and sleight of hand. Practice the timing and presentation to make it more convincing, and you’ll have a great beginner’s rope trick to amaze your friends and family with.