Effect: You make a coin disappear from your hand.

Materials Needed:

  1. A coin (any denomination will work).
  2. A table or a flat surface.


  1. Begin by showing your audience the coin. Let them examine it to make sure it’s a real coin.
  2. Hold the coin between your thumb and first two fingers of your dominant hand (usually your right hand if you’re right-handed).
  3. Place your non-dominant hand (left hand if you’re right-handed) palm-up on the table, and make sure your audience can see it clearly.
  4. Now, pretend to transfer the coin from your dominant hand to your non-dominant hand, but actually, retain the coin in your dominant hand.
  5. To create the illusion, use your non-dominant hand to make a few magical gestures over your open palm, as if you’re magically making the coin disappear.
  6. Finally, slowly open your non-dominant hand to reveal that the coin has vanished.


  • Practice your sleight of hand so that the transfer of the coin from one hand to the other appears smooth and convincing.
  • Use misdirection: Talk to your audience, make eye contact, and engage them in conversation while you’re performing the trick to divert their attention.
  • For added flair, you can use a magic wand or say a magic word while making the coin vanish.

Remember, practice is key to making this trick look convincing. With some rehearsal, you’ll be able to amaze your friends and family with your magical skills!